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We are sojourners from another world, and yet we are only meant to be temporary inhabitants passing through this land. It is an interim provisional experience, and as such we are mandated to exist as if we are already heavenly citizens, even while our feet remain firmly planted in this world. These two worlds are set for a head on cosmic collision, the magnitude of which history has never known, and is so gargantuan that the coming colossal clash can occur only one time—it is the ultimate titanic battle.

Two worlds, one God so loves, the other we are not to love at all. In fact, loving the other is a direct affront to loving our Creator. We are in the world we see, but not of that world. You can identify those who possess this type of hybrid citizenship by one undeniable marker; the world hates everything they represent. You can isolate citizens of the world God so loves by their love for one another. It’s the witness that comes with only one well-defined debt. Owe no one anything except to love them and never cause them harm. This very thing completes, summarizes, and encapsulates every command of God in one overarching mandate.

Wake up people; time is running out. The inflection point in history is at hand. God demands you no longer live in lewdness nor lust, in strife nor envy; cast off the works of darkness, and put on the armor of light. Become like the Lord Jesus Christ and never again make provisions for your lustful desires. And then stand up in your perfect purity and say to the world that is about to pass away, “Who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?”