2023-11-17 | Romans 3:1-20 | Wrongthink & Thoughtcrimes
Weekly Scriptures | Sermon Notes |
At times, the very language we speak contains no single word to best describe the ideas coming forth so, as a necessity, new words are birthed into […]
Weekly Scriptures | Sermon Notes |
At times, the very language we speak contains no single word to best describe the ideas coming forth so, as a necessity, new words are birthed into […]
Weekly Scriptures | Sermon Notes |
Those who have been instructed from the Torah, traditionally the Jews, by inference practice what is, “the excellent and superior way of life,” and by extension say, “they […]
Weekly Scriptures | Sermon Notes |
It can all be very confusing and that is why words matter. A common language is critical because without it nothing we express has any chance to offer shared […]
Weekly Scriptures | Sermon Notes |
Set-apart from all other creation, God uniquely created mankind to truly know Him. For that to happen, He created us “in His Image.” First He […]
Weekly Scriptures | Sermon Notes |
It’s a mouthful, but if you can’t string these words together and understand what they mean—grace-empowered-faith-based-obedience to God—then it will be impossible for you to understand […]
Weekly Scriptures | Sermon Notes |
Over the years, I have learned that using questions is a powerful way to engage with people on a deeper level. When I was younger, I thought arguing […]
It was a betrothal and today we have all but lost the dense significance of such customs. Once the image was diluted it did not take long before the tradition was replaced by something […]
The Word became flesh and pitched a tent among us. He tabernacled with us and we beheld His glory. Yet He was here for what seemed like just a vapor […]
“Once and for all means once and for all,” doesn’t it? If there is one Feast of Yahweh, more than any other, that Christians believe no longer has any relevance […]
“Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days […]