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No one said the battle would be easy. But any good soldier is willing to endure hardship, especially if he was commissioned by and fights for Jesus Christ as his Commanding Officer. And no excellent soldier who is engaged in warfare for the Lord entangles himself with the affairs of this life. He’d much rather be pleasing to the God who enlisted him as a soldier. Think about it; how could you be a good example to others if you are entangled with the things of this world? Rather than being distracted with worldly lusts, put aside everything that weighs you down, the sins which so easily ensnare you. Commit instead to only one track, and then run on that track as long as it takes to win the race. And focus on only one prize at the finish line; remember, Jesus is the One who laid out the track before you and He is the goal at the end of the race. Consider the things that you have learned from many faithful witnesses. Take and commit them to other faithful men, who will also be able to teach others those same things. Wash, rinse, repeat.

If your one aim is Christ you can inspire others to imitate you as you imitate Him. If you are authentic, others will follow. Point people towards what the Bible says and how God commands we live. In other words, imitate God because He is the living word. Love others as Christ loves you and gave Himself as an offering and a sweet-smelling sacrifice. Walk out your life just as Jesus walked. Obey God’s commandments, the ones He gave us from the beginning. Doing so will keep you from sinning, as transgression of a command is the very definition of sin. The best way to identify true believers is to observe those who obey God’s commandments.

He who claims to be a follower of Jesus, but does not keep His commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him. However, whoever obeys His word, truly the love of God is perfected in him. Christ taught lesson after lesson, and gave demonstration after demonstration. He was in the boat with His disciples and He calmed the storm; He asked His disciples to feed thousands and then He showed them how. He sent them out again in a boat, this time without Him, and then walked out on the sea to meet them.

Again, He calmed the storm; apparently they were not ready, nor capable, to duplicate what He did. He presented a second occasion to feed the multitudes and yet they were still not ready, “Where would we get enough food in this remote wilderness to feed such a large crowd?” And through it all, He healed the masses of every imaginable disease and promised we’d do greater things!

If you repeatedly flip the same coin and lose on both sides, I suggest you take a look at Y’shua’s playbook and begin to live on the edge. That is where, although narrow, the seas become calm, bread comes down from heaven, and the masses are healed by the simple touch of your garment or the handkerchief you once held. Maybe there will come a time when all that is needed is to pass through your shadow, which by then is a perfect replica of His. It may seem far off, but you will get there; just wash, rinse, repeat.