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2024-11-01 | Romans 1:18-32 | In His Image We VoteHow exactly did God reveal Himself to mankind? He manifested inside of us! At creation, He did something so all of mankind would recognize Him as the only God; He created man in His own image. And He did so in such a way that no person, at any time in history, no matter their culture, creed, religion, place of origin, heritage, or nationality, could be excused of their ignorance.

What is the cost to a man who refuses to recognize Him? Eventually, God turns him over to depraved thoughts. The price of his foolishness is that the natural light in his heart grows dim, until it is completely dark. From there he will be apt to worship just about anything: man, animals, insects, and even inanimate objects! After that he will become obsessed with lust, especially sexual lust. This will then cascade into every type of sexual perversion; gender confusion often becoming first among them. Then, gender confusion and sexual sin open the gateway to every type of iniquity.

“In His Image We Vote” addresses what every Christian should know before they cast their vote. The existential crisis of our day is rooted in lies about: gender and sexual orientation; the sanctity of marriage; and the right to life. Again, at creation God made His invisible attributes visible for all mankind, so that no man would have an excuse to deny His existence. It should be obvious by simply observing the natural world, and yet there was something even more profound than the testimony of nature.

This is the secret to the deeper meaning of God’s invisible attributes; God is three in one and He created man in His image as three in one. What was originally hidden in Adam at creation was the woman and child. All you could recognize with your eyes in the Garden was the man, and yet God identified him as ‘them’ and told him to multiply. To see what was hidden within, first God extracted Eve from Adam and showed the woman to him. Now, she was no longer invisible. Then, God created marriage between the man and the woman to assure them that they were never meant to be apart; they were one as God was one. What began as what appeared to be a man standing alone in the Garden, instructed to be fruitful and multiply, culminated as the couple, reunited as one in marriage, made the final piece visible; “With the Lord’s help, I have given birth to a son,” the living manifestation of two becoming one! God’s invisible attributes were manifest in us and revealed to us: First the hidden woman was brought to the man, and now the hidden son is no longer concealed.

As you can see, within Adam at creation was the human family, the image of the invisible God. That is what it means that God “manifest in them and showed it to them.” Men would eventually suppress this truth and come against God by attacking the family—thus denying God’s revealed identity. They would contradict that there are only two genders; reject the sanctity of marriage; or define abortion as, ‘reproductive rights that need protection’, and even deny that using abortion as birth-control is murder. Isn’t this precisely what we are witnessing today? It all stems from the denial of God’s image, which opens the gateway of sexual immorality and then leads to all the atrocious sins that follow.

When it comes to political choices, how could any Christian vote for a candidate who denies anything that God used to reveal His image? I pray this teaching would become a staple to help inform all Christians how to vote without compromising their faith—to vote in Bible, or “In His Image We Vote.”