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2025-01-24 | II Peter 1:2-5 | Appreciating KnowledgeIt’s a progression of knowledge or might we say progressive knowledge. It comes in stages, oftentimes developing gradually over time in a step-by-step process. And it’s not at all simple; it’s a complex pattern of many various and interconnected parts. We might even call it an appreciating asset, but only if you receive it as a valuable commodity that was invested in you—an asset in which you should invest wisely, and one that you should then, in turn, invest wisely.

Yes, knowledge should be one of your most appreciated assets. And in order for that to be true, you must appreciate all the various applications of knowledge. Recognize its full worth and be grateful for your access to such a treasure. Acknowledge the full implications of what is available to you and cherish what God has offered to you by taking hold of and purposely work at increasing its value.

But knowledge cannot stand alone. As a single-legged platform it is very unstable, guaranteed to topple, as those who won’t recognize the need for mutual support often fall victim to always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. When knowledge stands alone, it breeds pride; if anyone thinks that he knows anything apart from the other necessary legs of support, he doesn’t yet know as he ought to know.

Knowledge is the acquisition of God’s intent on any matter, and the gathering of facts and information. Yet, it subsequently requires a second leg, a proper understanding, the correct perception or interpretation of God’s intention. In other words, one must discern and comprehend what the facts truly represent. Really, the only way to gain a truly reliable interpretation is to add a third leg—to receive instruction. It is imperative to be instructed by God’s word and to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit, so you might know His heart on any matter as governed by His laws. And then it is time to add the fourth and final leg—wisdom.

Wisdom is the deliberate application of godly knowledge, understanding, and instruction. If all you know, understand, and have been instructed to do is left dormant, that is not the work of a wise man, but a fool. Every prudent man acts from knowledge, but a fool exposes his folly. This is not merely a man who lacks intelligence, but rather a man who rejects knowledge, understanding, instruction, and wisdom altogether. He is the antithesis of the wise man who fears the Lord and follows His ways. Yes, knowledge involves a complex progressive process that begins with faith that God exists and continues with a steadfast belief that He rewards all those who diligently seek Him.