2025-03-07 | II Peter 1:5-7 | Object Lesson: Knowledge
Faith is the foundation of the Christian life and it is a gift from God that came to you by way of His grace. And you must practice your faith if you wish […]
Faith is the foundation of the Christian life and it is a gift from God that came to you by way of His grace. And you must practice your faith if you wish […]
Weekly Scriptures | Sermon Notes |
Picture the scene. You have just encountered Y’shua. He has become your Lord and Savior and you feel truly free for the first time in your life. The moment you became a Christian is […]
The Pilgrim’s Progress
Pilgrim’s Progress is a fantastic book. Basically it’s about the Pilgrim’s Progress Chronicles, the epic adventure of a man named Christian who leaves his home in the city of Destruction. Christian […]
”Go to the ant, you sluggard! Consider her ways and be wise, Which, having no captain, Overseer or ruler, Provides her supplies in the summer, And gathers her food in the harvest. How long will you slumber, O […]
Weekly Scriptures | Sermon Notes |
A lot can be said about the most basic tenets of the Christian faith, but maybe none is more essential than life from the dead. That’s right, […]
Introduction to I Thessalonians
It’s around AD 51 and Paul arrives in Thessalonica with Silas and Timothy. Paul teaches in the synagogue as usual and uses the scriptures to prove that Y’shua is the long-awaited Messiah. Many new converts come to the […]
Weekly Scriptures | Sermon Notes
How long have you identified yourself as a believer, a child of God, a Christian? One month? One Year? Five years? Or, five minutes? I don’t know that it really […]
In today’s world If you were to ask any Christian, “What is an ambassador for Christ”? What types of answers do you think you would get? Some might give answers referencing the history […]
Weekly Scriptures | Sermon Notes |
I could not think of a better way to introduce this subject than to pepper you with a spray of soundbites. Generally I am against Christian one-hit-wonders, […]
Weekly Scriptures | Sermon Notes |
It can be very funny to watch a talented comedian do impersonations. They are skilled at capturing the essence of someone who most people would recognize. They […]