Sermon Notes

Y’shua healed a woman who had an ‘issue of blood’ for 12 years, as she boldly grabbed His outer garment. But, just before that He is begged to come save a 12 year old girl. He appears unconcerned as He walks on. Soon after, the girl’s father is told to no longer bother the Master as she has already died. At the news, again, Y’shua appears unalarmed and calmly says, “Do not be afraid; only believe, and she will be made well.” As He comes into her home full of weeping loved ones, He is ridiculed for words that reflect His apparent ignorance, “Do not weep; she is not dead, but sleeping.” The miracle follows; “Little girl, arise.” What has often intrigued me is the intersection of these two miracles, especially the common thread of 12 years. Explore with us the deep insights into these two miracles.