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There is a constant tension inside all of us who identify ourselves as “Christians.” Maybe you call yourself a “Believer” or “a follower of The Way.” Let’s just say I am addressing anyone who has had a true born-again encounter with Y’shua (Jesus).

Here is the tension: “NOW WHAT?” So much pressure exists from countless directions, really all depending on “whose church” you got born-again into. I know that sounds really bad, but it happens. Your denomination will strongly influence, even dictate, your “what’s next!” Many just ask you to tow the party line. Sign up for our theology and get to work doing the work of “our church.” You’ve joined a club and clubs have membership dues and those dues come in the form of money and service. All these religious requirements that insert themselves into your new born-again life, as “doctrine”, pose a serious threat to your development as a disciple.

There is, however, something I am certain Yahweh wants of you. “My son, keep my words, and treasure my commands within you. Keep my commands and live, and my law as the apple of your eye. Bind them on your fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart.” Let’s set religion aside and circumcise our hearts unto Yahweh!