Sermon Notes | Sermon Video

Numbers 19-21 | Watch Your AngerAnger is a huge problem in our society today. And it seems to be on the rise. One does not need to look any further than the local news to see how uncontrolled anger affects everyone. But, in the midst of the congregation of Yahweh, what should we say to one another when anger rises out of the heart of the believer in similar fashion to what we witness in the world? Is there a place for such? Without hesitation, the answer is an resounding NO, and I pray all of you would agree.

Yahweh has much to say regarding the subject of anger. And sometimes it takes looking intently into the narratives of Biblical history for us to notice the parallels in our own lives. Without recognizing how those narratives speak to our own issues, it’s easy to miss how these stories point directly at us, and we simply walk away without considering their personal application. Would you prefer to simply feel validated in your own muck and mire, or would you rather change?