2021-06-25 | Numbers 22-25 | The Insidious Prophet
On June 23rd, 2003, I walked down to the pulpit to receive Salvation. I remember that moment as if two minutes ago. The evening prior to my born-again experience, I had an encounter with an […]
On June 23rd, 2003, I walked down to the pulpit to receive Salvation. I remember that moment as if two minutes ago. The evening prior to my born-again experience, I had an encounter with an […]
Anger is a huge problem in our society today. And it seems to be on the rise. One does not need to look any further than the local news to see how uncontrolled anger affects […]
When I was a new believer, almost 30 years ago, I was fascinated while listening to sermons, and wondered how those pastors knew so much about the Bible and how they were able […]
Will you go forward into your destiny or do you want to go back to Egypt? We all know what “going back to Egypt” means. It remains as powerful imagery for believers today. Back in […]
“Follow Me!” Have you heard those words? Have they echoed in your heart so loudly that they drown out all other sounds? I pray they have. I remember the day like it was yesterday, almost 30 years ago. As if […]
It’s always something. Week after week, as we dive deeper into the Word of God, we get a glimpse of how far we’ve strayed from the truth. It’s not difficult to completely change the meaning of Y’shua’s teachings by strategically […]
There are times when arguing about minute details is a waste of effort, even contrary to your intended outcome. You must be wise to recognize when the little things matter and when to let them go. It is often said, […]
Have you ever come to the end of your faith? You know, that moment when you think, maybe even say out loud, “How can I possibly get through this? My circumstance is impossible! Where on earth […]
It’s not the limp of Jacob I’m referring to here—not the limp of a man who has just wrestled with God and prevailed, a man fighting for a new name, a new identity, a new calling, even a new destiny. […]
Sermon Notes | Sermon Notes (Yom Kippur Included) |
Get yourself in a quiet place in which you can think without any distractions. I want to ask you three critical questions that you […]