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Deuteronomy 11-16 | Easy EntanglementsHow tempted are you to become enmeshed with the things of the world? Do you feel yourself drawn to your old life? Are you still enticed by the pleasures of your past? We are warned throughout the Holy Scriptures that we should not even entertain the thoughts of our past idolatries because we can become so easily ensnared by them! Enticed and ensnared speak of desire; enmeshed and entangled paint the picture of a sticky spider web that so easily ensnares its prey.

Now, there are two possible ways you can guard yourself from becoming trapped in your past temptations. One is the self discipline approach. This involves your body and soul. Become strong and practice self-control and fight against those desires.

That’s not a terrible idea, but there is an even better way, the spirit-discipline approach! “Fix your eyes on Y’shua, the author and finisher of your faith!” This approach gives your spirit top billing. I’d like to encourage you to make your spiritual disciplines your first priority, without neglecting your self-discipline.