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2022-12-02 | Joshua 16-19 | Apostolic FootprintsHe has done so much for you already. Are you permitted to feel dissatisfied? I guess it depends on why? There is a very fine line between ungrateful discontentment with what the Lord has already provided and knowing that He has more for you. I am 100% convinced that the Bible teaches this, so you must be able to determine when you ought to feel satisfied—completely fulfilled, and when you ought to press into Yahweh for something more.

Distinguishing which attitude is appropriate at any moment has everything to do with God’s plan for mankind, and for you personally—your specific purpose and dreams. To abide in the Lord, to immerse yourself completely in His will, means you must expand your imagination beyond human limitations. I like to think of it like this; if you can imagine it, then Yahweh has even more for you. Paul says, “Be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God, and glorify Him who is, with His power working in us, able to do immeasurably more than all we ask, think or imagine.” I like that! But, what does “immeasurably more” even mean?

Are you supposed to let your imagination run wild—demand satisfaction for every desire? No, it always hinges on knowing God’s will and His promises. It’s worth repeating a thousand times! To your faith, first add virtue! If your first step forward in any decision or desire is not virtuous, seeking the Lord’s heart, will, direction and approval, then your next step will always be into the abyss.

However, when you seek God’s heart and hear His voice, and you willingly submit to His direction and approval, you are then free to be as bold as imaginable. Take down a giant, lay down with lions, strangle a bear, open an ocean, hold back a raging river, and occupy a mountain. Sometimes God wants you to take more land, occupy higher ground, maybe even seize more authority.

However, once you are certain God is waiting on you, before He releases more, it’s time to go boldly before His throne to ask for it, even at the risk of seeming dissatisfied. “Thank you Yahweh, what You’ve provided is amazing, but it’s not complete; I’m certain there is more.” Trust me, at times that is exactly what you ought to pray.

However, following your bold request, it is critical you apply two safeguards. First, when Yahweh grants more, “Take it!” Even if you have to work for it, or it looks scary, or it looks impossible; take it because it’s a guarantee. And secondly, when Yahweh grants more, take “It!” Stop asking; don’t you dare request something different!