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Sermon Notes & Videos

2021-01-15 | Exodus 6-9 | Fire, Worms & Warring Angels

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The ancient battle rages on. There have been many playwrights and players along the way, but the storyline is always the same. Men would rather be worshiped as gods than worship God. Whether it was Pharaoh, king of Egypt, “Who is the LORD, that I should obey His voice to let Israel go? I do not know the LORD, nor will I let Israel go (Exodus 5:2),” or, Herod [Agrippa I], king of Judea, “And the people kept shouting, “The voice of a god and not of a man (Acts 12:22)!””man has long fought to steal the honor due only to Yahweh.

The outcome is never good. Men who arrogantly receive the accolades reserved for God alone always meet with a dreadful fate. Fire, worms and warring angels, among other horrible outcomes await all who challenge Yahweh’s ultimate authority. And it’s sad to say, but right now we are witnessing the same obstinance by world leaders. Strap in, “Look among the nations and watch—be utterly astounded! For Yahweh will work a work in our days which you would not believe, though it were told you.” Habakkuk 1:5

By |January 13th, 2021|Categories: Exodus, Sermon Notes & Videos|0 Comments

2021-01-08 | Exodus 1-5 | Fear God or Fear Man

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Fear_God_Or_Fear_ManWe are living in a time in which governments are behaving more and more as if they are God. In truth, if we pay close attention, we can see that they continually devise ways, like in the days of old, when kings and magistrates DEMANDED worship. By force, either by written or oral decree, kings would require allegiance to themselves, instead of the God in whom the people believed, the God in whom they preferred to serve and worship. While we are yet to see such ultimatums, “Worship the king or die!” the time may not be too far off. Many indicators point to a day quickly approaching when believers will be forced to privatize their worship in order to exercise any worship at all. May it always be said of us, those who identify as the children of the one and only Most High God, that we would fear God instead of man!

We have already witnessed business owners being persecuted and sued, and some businesses caused to shut down, for not providing services they deem to violate their closely held religious convictions. Legal battles have ensued over religious liberties between establishments and the government. Secular authorities’ attempt to impose cooperation with same-sex unions and late-term abortions. And this year, under the guise of pandemic restrictions, they have even forced the closure of Churches throughout the nation. The list of issues against the believer is long and growing every day.

It’s time to take the gloves off! Who do you Fear; do you Fear God or do you fear man? Ultimately, government bureaucrats are pushing to create a godless society at the behest of a sin-riddled world. We are living in a postmodern, pluralistic society in which people are being indoctrinated to believe there is no ultimate source of truth. As such, there is no ultimate source of morality, and at the very core, they’d like you to believe that we owe allegiance for who we are and to what we can aspire, to their very rulership. I don’t know about you, but I can’t vote for that!

By |January 5th, 2021|Categories: Exodus, Sermon Notes & Videos|0 Comments

2021-01-01 | Genesis 47-50 | Ambassadors with Swords in Chains

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Here we are, facing our greatest enemy. We could be standing in the garden with Y’shua on the night of His betrayal, or standing with Moses at the edge of the sea on the night of our deliverance from Egypt. “Draw the sword and fight or stand still and see the deliverance of Yahweh?” that is the question. Look around you this very day. Do you feel the danger; do you feel your enemies pressing in against you? Do you feel the need to prepare, to ready for the fight, the need to defend yourself and your family against the tyranny? We are poised at the precipice of a PROPHETIC MOMENT in history. What is the Lord asking us to do? Should we “cut off the ear of our foe” or “be still”?

Today we explore the final chapters in the life of Joseph, a man who had many opportunities to raise the sword against his enemies. What can we learn from his life? What can we learn from the heart of the man who said to his adversaries (may I paraphrase?), “I’m Joseph, do not be afraid; it’s all good. I’m not God and He had a plan all along to use my chains as a means to become an ambassador to the most powerful nation on earth. And He did it all so He could save you! So no, I have no sword to lift against you; now stand still and see the deliverance of the Lord!”

By |December 30th, 2020|Categories: Genesis, Sermon Notes & Videos|0 Comments

2020-12-25 | Genesis 44-47 | Emotional Tug-of-War

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Emotional Tug of WarAs we move about in our everyday lives, nothing is more evident than the constant emotional tug-of-war in which we live! Life is filled with constant psychological battles, which we can choose to fight in the flesh or in the Spirit. Truthfully, none of us likes dealing with the issues that have forced such battles.

However, it is also evident that Christians today have, in many ways, been wrongly led to believe that the moment they receive Christ as Savior, life will all of the sudden become easier, such battles will become a thing of the past, money will flow in, sickness will remain at bay, and everyone will get along. And the list of Grated thoughts can grow ad nauseam! You’ve heard this type of preaching; I have too! Do such beliefs have a place in the minds of Christians living solely for the Kingdom? If so, was Peter then wrong when he said, “For it is better to suffer for doing good, if that should be God’s will, than for doing evil?” (1 Peter 3:17) Let’s find out!

What we learn from today’s Scriptures is that instead of the zero-issue life, the battles we face don’t come about by mere happenstance. They are orchestrated by God and they should most definitely not become wasted opportunities. Let’s not pass up these opportunities, both to develop a more theologically sound way of handling such situations, and in turn, to advance God’s Kingdom.

By |December 23rd, 2020|Categories: Genesis, Sermon Notes & Videos|0 Comments

2020-12-18 | Genesis 41-44 | New Wineskins

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Genesis 41-44 | New WineskinsIt would seem that in creation mankind was clothed only in the skin on his body and in that form he reflected the glory of God. Something happened when sin came into the world. He looked upon the glory of his own body, and instead of seeing the glory of God, he became afraid and attempted to cover what he now saw as “nakedness.” What took place next has great prophetic significance. God saw man’s new sense of embarrassment over his original glory and accommodated him by causing him to be covered with a “new skin”, an animal skin, a certain downgrade.

This downgrade would now plague mankind into the future and does not seem to have a complete resolution until the revealing of the sons of God, at which time “creation is restored.” Our ultimate hope is to be clothed with a restored heavenly image so we shall not be found naked, like Adam.

The theme of being clothed in either sin and shame or glory and righteousness, is something that is well-defined in the life of Joseph. And we will see the exact pattern in the life of every believer as he is sanctified from glory to glory. And putting on a new skin that reflects this glory is something that our Savior taught about in a short parable: “No one puts new wine into old wineskins; or else the new wine will burst the wineskins and be spilled, and the wineskins will be ruined. But new wine must be put into new wineskins, and both are preserved.” Time to put on your new wineskin!

By |December 16th, 2020|Categories: Genesis, Sermon Notes & Videos|0 Comments

2020-12-11 | Genesis 37-40 | Between Two Verses – Prepped for Power

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2020-12-11 | Genesis 37-40 | Between Two Verses - Prepped for PowerThere is no doubt in my mind that we live in one of the most important prophetic times in history. I am sure many men over the centuries have made that claim, but if I had to make my argument for the case I would say we are at the crossroads for two massive reasons. In the United States and by extension globally, because of the position the U.S. holds in the world, we have come to this great divide.

On one side we have those who will boldly proclaim that there is One God, and that He has revealed His image to us, first in Genesis when He made man and woman in His image, told them to marry and to be fruitful as a family, and then again He revealed Himself through His One and only Son.

On the other side we have bold declarations that gender is fluid, and therefore there is no definitive distinction between a man or a woman. Marriage is irrelevant and certainly, even if considered, is not reserved for the union of a man and a woman, which of course has redefined the family. And then there is the assault on being fruitful, with the mass annihilation of the unborn child. These violations add up to the very denial of His image.

This concludes with one side saying, “There is One God and He has One Son,” and the other saying, “There is no God.”

Then we have the people of God, Israel, throughout history, with a reputation of killing the prophets. When the conviction of their words reached Israel, in many cases, instead of repenting, they simply killed the messenger. Today, in the church we have done much the same. The Church was originally established on the Apostles and Prophets with Christ as the Chief Cornerstone, and yet today, the church is run by Pastors only, with almost zero Prophetic oversight. This has yielded a divided church with minimal power in the world. The Prophetic authority must come back into the church to re-establish the Separation of Powers needed for the Body of Christ to finish what we are here to do.

At present, the Supreme Court of the United States is about to make a choice whether to intervene in the 2020 presidential election or not! The Separation of Powers in our government (three branches) was modeled after the Scriptures, the King, the Priest, and the Prophet. Today in the church that would translate to the King of Kings, the Pastoral, and the Prophetic. In government, the King is the Executive Branch, the Priest is the Legislative Branch, and the Prophetic is the Judicial Branch. The Supreme Court will either fulfill its Prophetic duty or it will not. Either way, you, the church must be ready! Are you ready? Today’s teaching will help you prepare to see with prophetic eyes.

By |December 9th, 2020|Categories: Genesis, Sermon Notes & Videos|0 Comments
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