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Sermon Notes & Videos

2021-07-09 | Numbers 30-36 | Dissipation or the Spirit

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Numbers 30-36 | Dissipation or the SpiritWhen you were saved into your new life, it was required (not recommended) that you leave your old life behind. Many times along their wilderness journey, Israel was given specific warnings about entering their new life, the Promised Land. Destroy every remnant of pagan worship, idolatry and sexual temptation, or IT WILL come back to haunt you. They were ordered to remember Egypt, from where they came, and to consider Canaan, where they were going. The mandate: “DO NOT do what those nations do in any way!”

For Christians, the mandate is the same! You must “no longer live the rest of your new life in the lusts of the flesh, but for the will of Yahweh. You have spent enough of your old life in doing the will of the Pagans—so, if after you have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Y’shua, you are again entangled in them and overcome, the latter end will be worse for you than the beginning. It would have been better for you not to have known the way of righteousness, than to have known it and then turn away from God’s holy commandments.

Pick a life — go back to the same flood of dissipation or live by the Spirit!

By |July 7th, 2021|Categories: Numbers, Sermon Notes & Videos|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

2021-07-02 | Numbers 25-29 | My Peace I Give You

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Numbers 25-29 | My Peace I Give You“Do not let your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” Fear can be a paralyzing emotion, the birth place of every type of anxiety. But, it should have no place in the Christian’s life. Be anxious for nothing…let the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Fear and anxiety are literally the opposite of peace, an thus are the antithesis of the Christian life. So, how can you access this peace at all times, especially in the midst of difficult circumstances?

Phinehas found himself in a tough spot that threatened the peace of God’s people, and he made a radical choice to stand on the side of righteousness, “because he was zealous for his God.” And for that Yahweh made to him this amazing promise. “I give to him My covenant of peace; and it shall be to him and his descendants after him.” Why such a blessing for such a man? The psalmist might just give us the best explanation.

“Mark the blameless man, and observe the upright; for the future of that man is peace.” Psalms 37:37

“Great peace have those who love Your law, and nothing causes them to stumble.” Psalms 119:165

If we amalgamate these thoughts it becomes clear. The blameless and upright man is he who is zealous for Yahweh, loves to obey Him, and experiences His peace. Y’shua promised it this way; “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you…let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear.” Y’shua implanted in us the desire to be blameless and upright. Walking out a blameless and upright life is exactly how you guard your heart and mind, cast out fear, and experience a peace that surpasses all understanding!

By |June 30th, 2021|Categories: Numbers, Sermon Notes & Videos|Tags: , , |0 Comments

2021-06-25 | Numbers 22-25 | The Insidious Prophet

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Numbers 22-25 | The Insidious ProphetOn June 23rd, 2003, I walked down to the pulpit to receive Salvation. I remember that moment as if two minutes ago. The evening prior to my born-again experience, I had an encounter with an older gentleman who challenged me with a handful of questions regarding my eternity. I had very weak answers, if any at all, mostly in the form of questions. I recall waking the next morning as if I had been in a boxing ring for ten rounds with Mike Tyson. One thing was evidently clear that morning; I knew something was off and I could not shake it. I had to get to know the character of the God to whom this gentleman was referring.

I recall growing up as a Catholic and my view of God was one of intimidating fear, and I believed that God was confined either within the walls of the Church or in Heaven. I feared that if I stepped out of line, He could, at any moment, strike me with lightning and finish me off. I retell this, not to bring attention to my life, but to introduce today’s character, the insidious prophet, Balaam.

Balaam had a similar problem, his view of Yahweh was also very wrong! He thought that Yahweh was malleable, one who could be bribed or tempted. Balaam believed that he could convince God to change His mind, to break His own Abrahamic covenant and to, instead, fulfill Balaam’s own greedy desires. Boy was he wrong!

By |June 23rd, 2021|Categories: Numbers, Sermon Notes & Videos|Tags: , , |0 Comments

2021-06-18 | Numbers 19-21 | Watch Your Anger

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Numbers 19-21 | Watch Your AngerAnger is a huge problem in our society today. And it seems to be on the rise. One does not need to look any further than the local news to see how uncontrolled anger affects everyone. But, in the midst of the congregation of Yahweh, what should we say to one another when anger rises out of the heart of the believer in similar fashion to what we witness in the world? Is there a place for such? Without hesitation, the answer is an resounding NO, and I pray all of you would agree.

Yahweh has much to say regarding the subject of anger. And sometimes it takes looking intently into the narratives of Biblical history for us to notice the parallels in our own lives. Without recognizing how those narratives speak to our own issues, it’s easy to miss how these stories point directly at us, and we simply walk away without considering their personal application. Would you prefer to simply feel validated in your own muck and mire, or would you rather change?

By |June 15th, 2021|Categories: Numbers, Sermon Notes & Videos|Tags: , , |0 Comments

2021-06-11 | Numbers 16-18 | The Best of the Best

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Numbers 16-18 | The Best of the BestWhen I was a new believer, almost 30 years ago, I was fascinated while listening to sermons, and wondered how those pastors knew so much about the Bible and how they were able to extract such amazing messages from the Scriptures. Through those early years, I listened to sermon after sermon with keen interest. But, as the years passed I noticed something. Call it discernment or maybe it was being judgmental. I know each gift that God gives us has its equal but opposite counterpart. So, I have to be careful here to not cross into judgmental.

I noticed over the years that more and more of these sermons began to sound canned. They seemed almost mechanical in nature, as if they were part of some obligatory statement a lawyer must give, commenting on his client’s position. I think in politics you’d call it the “party line.” There seemed to be no life in them, no freshness in the messages, no abundance. It was as if these sermons were downloaded by robots and repeated, flavored only by various charismatic personalities. I realized that for a message to have real power, it could not just follow some formulaic model of “best sermon techniques,” but instead needed to be inspired by an overflow of what was happening in “that man’s life!” For the truth to pour out, there needed to be an overflow of the Spirit within.

This discovery has resurfaced in my mind in recent weeks, as I look back at the last few messages. Sure I believe they are true. A few weeks ago it was “Follow Me.” You have to give it all up, no matter what, lay it all down, and run after Y’shua with all you’ve got, from that moment He called you, and every day since. And then in “Self-Preservation” last week—you better be ready to give your very life for your faith. If you think you can preserve your way of life, or life itself, you will lose it. Again, all-in is the only way. And now this week, “The Best of the Best.” Do you think you can offer God anything other than your absolute best? Do you think anything less than making your faith walk your top priority is acceptable? You’d be wrong.

So, why these messages, why now? I believe we have reached a turning point in history. Never before has the following option been more critical. “Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve with your entire being, the gods of this world, or Yahweh and His Son.” I know the choice I’ve made, what about you?

By |June 9th, 2021|Categories: Numbers, Sermon Notes & Videos|Tags: , |0 Comments

2021-06-04 | Numbers 13-15 | Self Preservation

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Numbers 13-15 | Self PreservationWill you go forward into your destiny or do you want to go back to Egypt? We all know what “going back to Egypt” means. It remains as powerful imagery for believers today. Back in the wilderness days of Israel, the people had the tendency to complain as soon as things ahead seemed challenging or bleak. “We should return to Egypt; this was a mistake; let’s regroup and go back.” And this was their tendency, even after all they had witnessed: the ten plagues; the annihilation of their captors; an ocean that parted; water from a rock; bread from heaven; the voice of their God on the mountain; a betrothal to the Almighty; and a cloud by day and fire by night to lead them.

Then, when they had finally arrived at their destiny, they were given a simple task. Here are your marching orders; go in and survey the Land of Promise and come back with a report. God was looking for them to discover a few facts about their upcoming inheritance. “What is the land like? What are the people like? What are the cities like? What is the fruit like?” And here are some report guidelines: Do not rebel against Yahweh! Do not fear the people of the land! And always remember, Yahweh is with you and against them! Then, with all that information, make a simple choice — determine if are you able or are not able to take the land and receive the promises of God.

In the end we discover that there are two spirits in operation here, and one potential snag that could derail the whole thing, the strong desire to preserve ones own life. One spirit says, “we are able!” and the other, “we are not!” One is willing to lose his own life for the sake of God’s promises, the other is all about self preservation. Which spirit is controlling you?

By |June 3rd, 2021|Categories: Numbers, Sermon Notes & Videos|0 Comments
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