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2022-08-05 | Deuteronomy 1-3 | Anti-discombobulatedIt’s the elephant in the room, so let’s first stop pretending and settle the issue. “I didn’t know” is not the reason. It’s not a viable excuse. Okay, now that we have that out of the way, we can get down to business. His voice is loud and clear, no interpretation necessary. And His instructions are straightforward and unambiguous; nothing to clarify. Now, the only question remaining is, “Will you go?”

There is probably no more challenging directive in the Bible than the one that instructs the hearer to “Go!” That type of command can be very destabilizing. Comfort zones are comfortable for a reason. It’s like a mother’s warm and confined womb. A child floats in utter bliss with every provision on automatic. But, birth changes things; birth disrupts things. It’s time to leave the comfort zone through the canal of transition. Your mission is to enter a whole new world, an exciting world, but an uncomfortable one. It’s time to go!

Abraham was told to go. Isaac was told to go. Jacob was told to go. Jacob’s ten sons were told to go. Moses was told to go. Israel was told to go. David was told to go. Elijah was told to go. The disciples were told to go. Paul was told to go. You also were told to go. Go therefore! What simply remains is your response. Israel went, but opted for the forty year plan. Even after all the proof that Yahweh would provide every step of the way, they chose the round about route. The disciples went at first and saw miraculous things; after witnessing the crucifixion they scattered like cockroaches in the light.

After the resurrection, the disciples were again told to go; then they went back to fishing. You also were told to go. It’s the elephant in the room, so let’s first stop pretending and settle the issue. “You didn’t know” is not the reason. You have no viable excuse. And now that we have that out of the way, all you have to do is make a choice. His voice is loud and clear, no interpretation necessary. His instructions are straightforward and unambiguous; nothing to clarify. Go or don’t go. But, let’s not fool ourselves, “You didn’t know” is not the reason.