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2023-02-03 | Matthew 10 | Practicum“Let My people go!” Those words were made famous when Moses echoed the heart of God in the presence of an obstinate king. At first, Moses was resistant; He was not an eloquent man. “What could I say? I don’t speak well. The best I can do is mutter and stutter a few words, certainly nothing a king would take seriously.” It would seem Moses was somewhat correct, as seven times he made that demand, each falling on deaf ears. But in the end, God did release His people to go, and the journey began for those who would soon become His bride at Mt. Sinai.

Everything that led up to the moment of their release is recorded in the catalogue of miracles, signs and wonders. God’s supernatural involvement continued as they headed toward the sea and then across. And His supernatural intervention kept coming as they wandered. In a sense, Israel was conditioned by supernatural encounters. They had witnessed ten plagues and the protection of a lamb’s blood. They watched a wall of darkness rise to hold back the most powerful military in the world, while the same cloud gave them light. They stood still to observe a small stick held over an ocean—powerful enough to part the waters, leaving a dry ocean bed. Yes, you could say they had become conditioned by the supernatural. And it didn’t end there. They drank water from a rock, ate bread from heaven, and wore shoes that never got old. And that strange cloud that protected them by the sea guided them on their journey, both day and night, its fiery glow lighting their way in the darkness. And it all began with four words, “Let My people go!”

Many generations later, our blessed Savior gathered His original twelve disciples, who had also been conditioned by witnessing the supernatural, and He conferred on them an apostleship; “Be My sent ones!” But, instead of making demands of an obstinate king to “Let My people go!” He now was the King making demands of His people; “Let’s go My people!” Maybe He was even more direct; “Go My People!” Perhaps He took a more informative approach, “I let my people go.” Or possibly He chose to be more instructive, “My people are let go.” Regardless of which technique He implored, we know this… He was not demanding something from a king; He was the King demanding something from His people.

This was His sentiment… “You were introduced to the Kingdom of Heaven; you learned the truth about what your faith was always meant to be in My lengthy sermon on the mountain; and then you witnessed the supernatural in action—now it’s your turn to go and do. I am commissioning you, giving you the authority to perform all the miracles you’ve witnessed in Me. And I am certain you will feel just as Moses did, completely ill-equipped to speak on My behalf. But, don’t concern yourself one bit. You are not there to speak your own words anyway. My words will fill your mouth at the moment you need them.”

“And I am certain you are wondering if you will face pushback, rejection and persecution in the company of your own people, your own family, and also when you face secular leaders. Let Me put a rest to your wondering—you will! But, don’t worry; if someone could steal your soul, then I’d say you should be concerned, but it’s only your body they can harm, and for that you need not fear. And I am certain you are concerned about provision—food, clothing, shelter and money—don’t be. “Don’t worry; pagans worry about such things. And your heavenly Father knows what you need.” Just go, build your faith muscle; it’s time to transition from witness to participant, from taker to giver, from someone who sees and hears, to someone who does!”