Sermon Notes & Videos2023-04-19T20:27:58-04:00

Sermon Notes & Videos

2022-03-04 | Exodus 38-40 | Insane Christianity

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2022-03-04 | Exodus 38-40 | Insane Christianity“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Most people attribute those words to Albert Einstein, which may or may not be true. But, what is certainly true, are the words themselves, no matter who gets the credit for coining them. Now, if we take those words and use them to analyze the actions of God’s people at times, I believe we just might discover they suffer from a type of spiritual insanity.

We don’t have time to recall every occasion for which this diagnosis is appropriate, but we should identify the inaugural decision that started us down this path. And as we come to an end of our journey through Exodus, we should make honorable mention, from it, of a significant example. Then, we can have some fun connecting the dots between that first occasion and what we see here at the very end of Exodus: the Tabernacle is complete; and Moses, by way of the people’s obedience, had delivered exactly what Yahweh ordered. Next, put the whole thing into operation to test its function. Then what? Move to the next assignment—“Then God said…”

It really is uncanny. It’s the exact pattern every time: assignment—obedience—next assignment. Or, assignment— disobedience—consequences. You’d think God’s people would recognize the pattern. If you don’t follow directions, it goes very badly. In other words, to think it would go well for you, despite your decision to disobey God is insane, at least according to Einstein, or whoever!

It’s like a merry-go-round, but they are not in an amusement park, and they are not sitting on wooden horses, and the ride won’t end in three minutes. Instead, they are in the wilderness and the ride will be like going around the mountain over and over again, and not for three minutes, but for forty years. Yes, insanity has a price.

And if I might indulge you with one more perspective, let’s call our ride, the glory-go-round. We have the glory of God available to us, and then in some act of, let’s call it insanity, we go our own way. And, in the midst of our disobedience, we still expect to maintain God’s glory. Are you tracking with me? As a consequence for our actions we get knocked onto our inglorious butts, just like we see in the Bible every time! Assignment—disobedience—consequences.

The real question remains; if you see that this is what happens without fail, why would you think you can disobey God and get away with it? It seems so obvious now. “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” For our purposes, let’s just call this “Insane Christianity.”

2022-02-25 | Exodus 35-38 | Plundered with a Purpose

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I don’t know about you, but it blows my mind how much wealth is obtained by those who produce absolutely nothing of any value. In particular, I’m thinking of the guy who garners millions of followers because he records himself playing video games. Let’s take a breath and consider what I am saying here. His job is to play a video game, which is basically the pinnacle of living in a fake world. But then it gets even more bizarre when he screen captures himself playing that game, while simultaneously offering real-time commentary. Can you picture this insanity?

Apparently, millions of people will then desire to watch the guy play that fake game, not actually playing the fake game themselves at the moment, but instead, they mindlessly watch him play the fake game. And this absurdly meaningless activity can potentially net the fake-game-playing-video-recording-guy MILLIONS OF DOLLARS PER YEAR.

And this is just one example of countless meaningless things people get paid handsomely to do. In comparison, the President of the United States earns $400,000 per year; a General in the United States Army earns $225,000 per year; and an Air Traffic Controller (that’s an important job!) earns around $120,000 per year. And the fake-game-playing-video-recording-guy… millions of dollars per year. But one thing they all have in common is that God controls the wealth. And God will not allow you to gain wealth just to please your own selfish desires. If you have accumulated great wealth, God has plans for it! I’m reminded how God promised Moses, at the burning bush, that Israel would leave Egypt with great wealth, and then at the Exodus when that promise was fulfilled. Curiously, it’s not until the construction of the Tabernacle, the House of God, that we see why they accumulated those riches. Revelation! We are the “House of God” in whom He dwells, and that promise extends to us. Yahweh will transfer the riches of Egypt to build His house!

So, watch the pagans build bigger barns, and store as much as their hearts desire, because God has stored up the wealth of the nations for His people. In other words, if you’re wealthy, then use it to do God’s work. You can do so willingly, or be dragged kicking and screaming; either way—it is all His!

2022-02-18 | Exodus 30-34 | Sacred Cows & Alternative Altars

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2022-02-18 | Exodus 30-34 | Sacred Cows & Alternative Altars We are all familiar with the outrageous act of service performed by our Savior after dinner, on the night He was betrayed. It’s a moment in history about which books could be written. We can approach what He did from many angles: a mysterious lesson, a convicting exposé, an act of selflessness, a demonstration of serving leadership, an example of how to live, an exhibition of pure humility, a tutorial on priorities, or the substance of deep inspiration and reflection.

However, there is one exchange with Peter that really cuts to the marrow and which reveals the gravity of the situation. It’s truly unexpected and might even seem out of character or inappropriate, considering the finality of the moment. Peter is adamant that His Teacher and Lord “shall never wash his feet!” It’s a highly charged and emotional scene, and it’s completely understandable why Peter would feel as such. He’d much rather switch positions and hold his Master’s feet in his hands. He’d certainly prefer to cleanse the dust and dirt from between his Rabbi’s toes, than let his teacher soil His holy hands. Y’shua knows it, and meets Peter’s resistance with an explosive retort, “If I do not wash you, you have no part with Me.” And that is what we must explore today. What does He mean?

What had inspired such a serious ultimatum? Why was the washing of His disciples feet so critical? What was the deeper prophetic warning? We find clues buried in the words of the Jews who marveled at His insight; “How does this Man know letters, having never studied?” And the secret to His wisdom becomes apparent by His elegant, yet simple response; “My doctrine is not Mine, but His who sent Me.”

Yes, many books could be written about Y’shua’s actions after dinner that night; but His admonishment of Peter might be the most revealing of all. And you cannot fully appreciate to what He was referring, until you comprehend His masterful insights into the Laws of Moses. When you do, you will recognize that His resounding retort remains relevant even today! Paul also mastered this same understanding of the law; “Do we then make void the law through faith? Certainly not! On the contrary, we establish the law.”

2022-02-11 | Exodus 27-30 | River Rocks

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2022-02-11 | Exodus 27-30 | River RocksWhat is it about river rocks? You’ve all held one in your hand. They are shiny and smooth, no ragged edges, nothing sharp or offensive to soft skin. But, not every rock in a river is a river rock. They all can be, but there is one thing that separates river rocks from rocks in a river. That’s time! You see, for a rough and jagged stone to be transformed into a smooth and shinny rock, it needs to sit in the river continuously, for a very long time.

It’s like the life of a faithful disciple. You can’t just dip your toe in the water and pray the rushing river will transform your whole life, or even your small appendage. All you get when you test the water is a wet toe. But jump in, submerge your whole body, and most importantly, stay there, and your whole being will transform! You’ll go from rough and ragged, and not so nice to touch, to smooth and shinny and gentle on the skin.

That is why God emphasizes the idea of a continuous fire. Light the lamp, and keep supplying it with pure oil. Ignite the incense and keep feeding the flames—forever! Don’t ever let the light go out; don’t ever stop the fragrance of incense from going up. It’s a perpetual burn, not a toe in the water.

2022-02-04 | Exodus 25-27 | Torn Curtains

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There is nothing new under the sun. It happened before and it will happen again. But that is not a fatalistic position, rather one of optimism and expectancy. You see, there was once a restriction to enter the Holiest of Holy Places, but there was also a way in! What was in that Most Holy Place? In the natural, it was called the “ark of the Testimony.” And what acted as the great barrier? A massive veil, a fifteen-foot high, fifteen-foot wide, four-inch-thick curtain. And at the time of Christ, the curtain was twice as large. What was sealed behind that veil? Man’s deepest connection with God.

Yes, what was hidden behind the curtain, just waiting to be revealed, was His testimony, which was ultimately symbolic of your testimony. Consider this a portrayal of your heart toward God, or your potential intimacy with Yahweh. There was a thick veil between you and a deep authentic connection with your Creator. In heart terms, we might even call it a hard heart or scar tissue.

For entry behind the veil, to access the full testimony and every blessing and promise from Yahweh, that veil must be torn. Much like scar tissue needs to be broken to reveal the soft, renewed tissue below, your heart must be rent in an act of circumcision to uncover the soft and pliable home in which God can dwell.

Once your heart beats with the life of God, your testimony will be available for all to see. Moses erected a veil to separate the testimony from the people. Y’shua dismantled that veil to expose the light of life hidden within. Your privilege is to enter beyond the veil with Christ, and to let the light of your heart shine before men as a testimony that glorifies God. What not to do: don’t stitch the torn veil; don’t seal off the testimony; don’t cover up what God has done; don’t return to your old ways; don’t hide your light under a basket!

2022-01-28 | Exodus 21-24 | Watching Paint Dry

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2022-01-28 | Exodus 21-24 | Watching Paint DryWhat’s taking so long? Are we there yet? When are we going? How much longer? Is it almost done? I can’t wait until we get there. I wish this day would end already! I just can’t wait any longer. Sound familiar?

You are certain what God has promised you; it’s clear He has spoken to you and directed you. You even have a gazillion confirmations from friends and strangers and songs and scriptures and billboards and unexplained coincidences and twelve random overheard conversations. There is simply no doubt about what God’s saying, what He’s promised. And then… tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock. It’s like time has stood still! What happened?

Ah, the predictable, immeasurable, unknowable, inevitable delay between God’s promise and its fruition… tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock… We don’t like it. No, it’s more visceral than that. We hate it; we abhor it; we despise it! But, the alternative is certainly worse. Step in where you don’t belong, at the wrong time, and you are bound to get eaten by wild beasts.

The pattern is clear, so, hop on board the moving sidewalk that at times seems to trail slightly behind a snail. Is it any wonder why patience grows on both the love tree and the fruit of the Spirit tree? It’s slow-moving for sure, little by little, and you might say from glory to glory. Oh, and one more thing. It may seem slow, but strap in any way and enjoy the ride, because, with God, even slow-moving vehicles are outrageously thrilling and require you to fasten your
seat belts!

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