2022-12-16 | Joshua 23-24 | Interspecies Marriage
Weekly Scriptures | Sermon Notes |
You feel like you’re all in. You use all the words and you sport the tidy little package called modern Christianity. You live in the world but are […]
Weekly Scriptures | Sermon Notes |
You feel like you’re all in. You use all the words and you sport the tidy little package called modern Christianity. You live in the world but are […]
Weekly Scriptures | Sermon Notes |
It’s encouraging when God’s people get it right. It doesn’t happen very often—unfortunately. In fact, it’s more common in biblical narratives to witness God’s people make foolish […]
WeeklyScriptures | Sermon Notes |
He has done so much for you already. Are you permitted to feel dissatisfied? I guess it depends on why? There is a very fine line between ungrateful discontentment with what […]
Weekly Scriptures | Sermon Notes |
Why do you call me Lord and not do things that I say? It’s a great question! In modern vernacular we might even call it a reality […]
Weekly Scriptures | Sermon Notes |
I could not think of a better way to introduce this subject than to pepper you with a spray of soundbites. Generally I am against Christian one-hit-wonders, […]
Weekly Scriptures | Sermon Notes |
Friends don’t do that. It’s one of those labels that has been used and abused, like love. I love my car; I love my job; I love […]
Weekly Scriptures | Sermon Notes |
I have no doubt that the words themselves will invoke strong emotions, and you may not like them. They often settle in your soul in a certain place, […]
Weekly Scriptures | Sermon Notes |
A herald is going out to the Church calling all Christians to radical, grace-empowered, faith-based obedience—obedience to God that will overtake every aspect of your life. […]
“‘When you come into the land, and have planted all kinds of trees for food, then you shall count their fruit as uncircumcised. Three years it shall be as uncircumcised to you. It shall not be eaten. But in the fourth year […]
Weekly Scriptures | Sermon Notes |
Most Christians are familiar with the creation account in Genesis. And one of the most notable recitals in that account is God’s view on companionship. The idea is […]